About QID Oy

QID (Quantum Innovative Dynamics) Oy’s operations are based on research, patenting the results, scientific publications and marketing technology licences.

QID own proprietary technology which is based on the polarisation of conduction electrons. Directing conduction electrons reduces dissipation in conductors and appliances. The technology reduces energy consumption, improves the efficiency and lowers the operating temperature.

SPINTRONICS is one of the most interesting field of physics

Currently, spintronics is one of the most researched technologies worldwide. It studies all phenomena related to and the utilisation of electron spin.  Pure spincurrent enables the development of the quantum computer among other things.

Energy saving, improved efficiency and lowered operating temperature are attributes that have been measured in laboratories around the world in connection with spincurrent research. The widely researched attributes that have only been produced in laboratory conditions can now be productised for the first time as the proprietary SpinX Technology designed for both industrial and consumer use. The technology can be utilised by all plug-in and battery-powered appliances.

SPINTRONICS is one of the most interesting field of physics

Currently, spintronics is one of the most researched technologies worldwide. It studies all phenomena related to and the utilisation of electron spin.  Pure spincurrent enables the development of the quantum computer among other things.

Energy saving, improved efficiency and lowered operating temperature are attributes that have been measured in laboratories around the world in connection with spincurrent research. The widely researched attributes that have only been produced in laboratory conditions can now be productised for the first time as the proprietary SpinX Technology designed for both industrial and consumer use. The technology can be utilised by all plug-in and battery-powered appliances.

What makes us SPECIAL

The most important applications of this technology will be:

Reducing industrial energy consumption
Improving the efficiency of lighting (public areas, households and automobiles)
Battery and charging device development (in particular, the development of electric cars)
Improving the efficiency of wind generators and solar energy plants (panels, generators, transmission lines)

This technology is applicable virtually in every electrical device, system or product line.


Currently, spintronics is one of the most researched technologies worldwide. It studies all phenomena related to and the utilisation of electron spin. Read more of the subject via the links below.